
At this page you will find helpful resources related to Golden Retrievers. Raising a puppy, grooming, health, training, etc. We strongly suggest you to join your local Golden Retriever Club and become part of a community of Golden Retrievers enthusiasts in your State. You will meet other owners, breeders and a lot of people with plenty experience with Golden Retrievers who could help you with your puppy. If you are Perth, look for the GRCWA - Golden Retriever Club of WA. If you are in Australia, in any other State, find the link to your local club here.  


You can always count on us

Being a responsible breeder means we will always be available to advise and help you with your Conarhu puppy throughout its life. Feel free to contact us at any time. 

Being a responsible breeder also means to be aware of the health of puppies produced by our dogs and bitches, so if you own a Conarhu puppy or adult dog and face some relevant medical issues, please get in touch with us. It's important the breeder knows about any relevant fact regarding the health of it's puppies that might impact future breedings.  

Conarhu Golden Retrievers - Puppy Pack
This file was put together by us, to give you some guidelines to help you with your puppy when you take it home. 
Download file here

eBook Before You Get Your Puppy - Dr. Ian Dunbar
Dr. Ian Dunbar is a veterinarian, animal behaviorist, and writer. This book is simply a MUST READ for anyone thinking of getting a puppy. Puppies should be raised in an errorless housetraining and chewtoy-training set-up. This is very easy to do and everything you need to know is described in this little book.
Download Free eBook here

eBook After You Get Your Puppy - Dr. Ian Dunbar
This book covers housesoiling, destructive chewing, barking, separation anxiety, socialization, handling, puppy biting, bite-inhibition and preventing adolescent problems.
Download Free eBook here

Training Centre - Perth Training and Obedience Dog Club - Perth WA
Most vets will recommend you to take your puppy to a Puppy School. That's a great opportunity for your puppy to socialise with other dogs and learn basic manners. Once Puppy School it's completed, we strongly advise you to continue training. Our suggestion is the Perth Training and Obedience Dog Club, which is an all breeds club, dedicated to teaching you how to train your dog using positive reinforcement methods.
Link here

One on One Training - Petigree Dog Training with Dr. Carla O'Donnell - Perth WA
For a personal training, we recommend Petigree Dog Training. Dr Carla O'Donnell, also President of the Golden Retriever Club of WA, can design a program to suit your specific needs and will work exclusively with you and your best friend to overcome any issue you are having.
Link here

Muscle Therapy Clinic - Canine Muscleworks - Perth - WA
Located in Southern River and Claremont, it is founded by qualified, accredited and insured therapist Jackie Crawford. Canine Muscleworks is a multi-modality practice offering cutting-edge muscle treatments , adjustments and conditioning programs. Their goal is to help all dogs live a healthy and pain-free existence - To be FIT FOR LIFE!
Link here